Micah Raskin Demonstrates the Importance of Volunteering During the Holidays
Micah Raskin Demonstrates the Importance of Volunteering During the Holidays
Micah Raskin supports many local outreach programs and non-profits in his neighborhood of Nassau and County New York, especially in soup kitchens and shelters where he helps purchase, prepare, and serve hot meals. He recognizes the holidays as one of the most important times to give back to the community and encourages others to get involved wherever and however they can.
Besides being one of the nation’s top poker players, Micah Raskin has been a long-time volunteer of his local soup kitchen in Hempstead NY. There, he plays an important role in his community by helping feed the homeless and those who are struggling. He often donates or prepares and serves guests hot meals at the soup kitchen himself, actively participating in the full process.
Raskin partners with his local soup kitchens and other outreach programs to empower and lend support to his community where it’s needed. Though there are millions of Americans facing hunger each day, he says the holidays are an especially difficult time for those in need.
“Besides the typical hunger that they face, people who stay out on the streets have to deal with the cold around the holidays, too,” says Micah Raskin. “And that’s without even considering the idea that at that moment families everywhere are gathering in warm places to share meals and enjoy their time together. It’s a rough time for many on the outside.”
Nonprofit volunteers like Micah Raskin get involved to help combat the crisis in places like homeless shelters, soup kitchens and food banks where he can cook and supply resources to the homeless or needy.
“It’s shocking to see how many people of all ages and backgrounds, come to soup kitchens looking for a meal every day,”says Micah Raskin. “That, combined with the cold and the general feeling of homesickness is rough on those in need, especially on those such as runaway teenagers who are fleeing a bad situation at home. We need to be able to give them something during the holidays to show that there is support and there are people who care, right in their neighborhoods.”
Soup kitchens are able to provide nutrition, warmth and temporary shelter at no cost to the guests. This is an exemplary resource during the holidays, but Micah Raskin says there are dozens of ways for people to get involved in their neighborhoods and communities during this time. He mentions that even our immediate neighbors may need help either preparing food, cleaning for company, wrapping presents, or in general need of an extra pair of hands.
Raskin says there are many programs and churches in each town that need either volunteer work to be done or donations from local citizens––whether it’s nonperishable food items, clothes, gifts for children, or something similar.
“The point is to go out and find where the people in your city need help the most,” says Micah Raskin. “The holidays are really tough on a lot of people, and even the smallest gesture of compassion and goodwill can go a long way for someone else.”
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